Dýisenbi, 14 Qazan 2024
2491 1 pikir 27 Jeltoqsan, 2021 saghat 14:43

DDSÚ: Pandemiya 2022 jyly ayaqtaluy mýmkin

epa08209243 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), informs the media about the update on the situation regarding the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), during a new press conference, at the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, 10 February 2020. The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has so far killed at least 910 people and infected over 40,000 others, mostly in China. The death toll from the novel coronavirus has surpassed the death toll from SARS epidemic of 2002-2003. EPA-EFE/SALVATORE DI NOLFI

Álemdik qauymdastyq COVID pandemiyasyn 2022 jylgha qaray toqtatugha mýmkindigi bar. Búl turaly Dýniyejýzilik densaulyq saqtau úiymynyng (DDSÚ) Bas diyrektory Tedros Gebreyesus «Izvestiya» gazetinde shyqqan maqalasynda jazdy. 

«Barlyq elderding birlesip júmys istep, 2022 jyldyng ortasyna qaray jahandyq maqsat – әlem túrghyndarynyng 70 payyzynyng vaksina aluyna qol jetkizui qajet. Ýkimet densaulyq saqtau jәne әleumetttik qamtamasyz etu salasynda maqsatty sharalardy jalghastyruy manyzdy. Olardyng arasynda test ótkizu, virus shtamdary men DNQ-syn zertteu turaly aqparatty esh jasqanbastan úsynu bar», - dep atap ótti maqalada DDSÚ Bas diyrektory.

Qalghanyn Tedros Gebreyesustyng «Izvestiya» saytyndaghy «Pandemiya ayaqtalatyn jyl» maqalasynan oqugha bolady.


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