Senbi, 28 Qyrkýiek 2024
Qaynaydy qanyn... 6374 19 pikir 11 Qazan, 2019 saghat 12:59

Advokat: Búl joly qazaqstandyq sotpen shektelmeymiz

Kesheli-beri belgili til janashyry Oghyz Doghandy Fly Arystan-Air Astana әuekompaniyalary «qara tizimge engizgen» degen aqparat әleumettik jelide qyzu talqy bolyp jatyr.

Bizge belgilisi  dauly oqigha Astananyng Halyqaralyq әuejayynda bolghan.    Air Astana-gha qarasty elishilik Fly Arystan әuekompaniyasy «qara tizimge» ilikken Oghyz Doghandy tirkeu punktinen ótkizbey qoyghan.

Esterinizde bolsa, Oghyz Doghan osyghan deyin 2017 jyly memlekettik tilde qyzmet kórsetuin talap etip, Air Astana kompaniyasyn sotqa bergen. 2017 jyldyng jeltoqsanynda Ol sotta jenip shyghyp, әuekompaniyasynan 1 tenge kóleminde moralidyq shyghyn talap etken.

Al 2019 jyldyng 9 qazanynda Air Astana-gha qarasty Fly Arystan kompaniyasynyng qyzmetkerleri onyng «sottan keyin qara tizimge engizilgenin» aityp, úshaqqa kirgizbey qoyghan.

Týrkologtyng joldasy Jibek Ábilghazy biyletti 8 qyrkýiek saytynan satyp alghanyn, satyp alu kezinde, tipti úshugha deyin Oghyz Doghannyng «qara tizimge engizilgeni jayly» eshbir aqparat almaghanyn aitqan. Úshu biyletining aqysy da tólengen. Al әuekompaniyasynyng әuejaydaghy qyzmetkerleri Oghyz Doghannan ózge otbasy mýshelerining úshuyna bolatynyn aitypty.

Osy oqighagha baylanysty Oghyz Doghannyng advokaty Abzal Qúspan Air Astana әuekompaniyasyn qayta sotqa beretinin aitty. Kompaniya basshysy Piyter Fosterding atyna jazylghan sotqa deyingi talap aryzdy redaksiyasyna joldady. Advokattyng aituynsha, Oghyz Doghan búl joly isti Halyqaralyq dengeyde kóteruge sheshim qabyldaghan. Sondyqtan Piyter Foster myrzagha joldanghan advokattyng haty da qazaq jәne aghylshyn tilderinde jazylypty.

Mәselening mәn-jayy týsinikti boluy ýshin biz til janashyry Oghyz Doghan men zanger Abzal Qúspannyng sotqa deyingi talap aryzyn qaz qalpynda jariyalap otyrmyz.

«Eyr Astana» AQ preziydenti

P.Foster myrzagha


«BAE Systems PLC» kompaniyasyna

Oghyz Doghannyng atynan senimhat negizinde әreket etushi;



Sotqa deyingi talap

Piyter Foster myrza!

Sizding Qazaqstangha deyingi atqarghan qyzmetterinizdi qarap otyrsam, búghan deyin Aziya, Evropa, Avstraliya, onyng ishinde Gonkong, Aziya, Filippin elderinde «John Swire and Sons (HK)», «Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd», «Philippine Airlines Inc»., «Royal Brunei Airlines» siyaqty әue kompaniyalarynda qyzmet atqarghan ekensiz.

«Eyr Astana» kompaniyasynyng Preziydenti retinde Qazaqstanda 2005 jyldan beri qyzmettesiz, yaghny Qazaqstanda túryp jatqanynyzgha 15 jylgha juyqtapty.

Sizding ómirlik jolynyzdy qarap otyryp, Qazaqstan siyaqty ýshinshi sortty damushy elderde memlekettik til, últtyq namys mәselelerining qanshalyqty kenjelep qalghanyn, onday eldegi jergilikti túrghyndargha, aboriygenderge qaraghanday jogharydan mensinbey qaraytyndyghynyzdy týsinemin jәne ókinishke qaray kelisemin de...

Iya, tek biz siyaqty ýshinshi sortty elderde ghana zanda aq qaghazgha qara siyamen «Qazaqstan Respublikasynyng azamattyq әue kemesining kabina ekipajynyng mýsheleri jolaushylargha qyzmet kórsetude qazaq tilin erkin mengeruge mindetti» - dep badyraytyp jazyp qoysa da, ony moyyndamay sottasa alasyzdar. Tek bizding elderde ghana taraptyng bir jaghy «Eyr Astana» bolghandyqtan, birinen song biri sudiyalar isti qaraudan bastaryn ala qashady. Bizding elderde ghana Sizder, zandy kýshine engen sot sheshimine qúrmetsizdik kórsete alasyzdar jәne ol ýshin Sizge nemese Siz basqaryp otyrghan kompaniyagha eshqanday saldar tuyndamaytynyn jaqsy bilesizder. Sizge óz basym Oghyz Doghan jaghdayyna deyinde, odan keyinde hat jazgham, tútynushylar qúqyghyn búzbauynyz turaly eskertkem. Onyng bәrine shygharyp salma jauaptar algham.

Biraq, Qazaqstan siyaqty ýshinshi sortty elderde de Tursagulova Aygýl Túrsynqyzy (Almaty qalasy, Týrksib audandyq sotynyng sudiyasy), Oghyz Doghan siyaqty prinsipti, zanmen bekitilgen qúqyqtaryn paydalana alatyn, zandy syilata alatyn azamattar kezdesip qalady.

Keshe, qazan aiynyng 9 kýni Núr-Súltan halyqaralyq әuejayynda «Eyr Astananyn» enshiles kompaniyasy «FlyArystan» loukosterining qyzmetkerleri, osy kompaniya biyletin satyp alghan Oghyz Doghandy bortqa jiberuden bas tartqan. Oghan sebep retinde, ol azamattyng «Eyr Astana» kompaniyasymen «qara tizimge» engizilgeni ataldy. Nәtiyjesinde, Oghyz Doghan jәne onyng kelinshegi men sәbiyi, barlyghy 3 adam joldan qaldy.

Áriyne, «Eyr Astana» siyaqty alyp kompaniyagha bir-eki tútynushynyng qúqyghy búzylghany, olardyng zandy týrde satyp alghan biyletteri bola túra dalada qalghandary «shybyn shaqqan qúrly әser etpeytinin» men jaqsy týsinemin.

Degenmen, Sizding Qazaqstan degen elde ómir sýrip jatqanynyzdy, ol elde de zandar jәne zang oryndary, al eng bastysy sol zandy qúqyqtaryn talap ete alatyn sauatty azamattar bar ekenin eskere otyryp, myna saualdargha jauap bere ketuinizdi súraymyn;

- Sizding jәne Siz basqaryp otyrghan kompaniyalardyng qazaq tiline degen kózqarasy qanday?

- Sizding jәne Siz basqaryp otyrghan kompaniyalardyng Qazaqstan zandaryna kózqarasy qanday?

-  Tútynushy Oghyz Doghannyng «Eyr Astana» kompaniyasynyng sotta tolyq jeniluinen keyin «qaza tizimge» enui, sol sot sheshimine baylanysty ma?

-  Jalpy «Eyr Astana» kompaniyasynyng «qara tizimi» Qazaqstannyng qay zanyna nemese normativtik aktisine negizdelgen?

-  Eger ol «qara tizim» Qazaqstan zandaryna negizdelmegen jaghdayda, qanday halyqaralyq normalargha negizdelgen, ol aktiler Qazaqstan Parlamentimen ratifikasiyalanghan ba?

- Almaty Qalasy, Týrksib audandyq sotynyn, qazirgi kezde tolyq zandy kýshine engen sheshimining (sózbe-sóz) «Eyr Astana» Aksionerlik qoghamynyng әue kompaniyasyna tiyesili әue kemesining kabina ekipajynyng mýsheleri bolyp tabylatyn bortserikterining qazaq tilinde qyzmet kórsetpeu әreketi zansyz dep tanylsyn» degen talabyn Sizding kompaniya tarapynan oryndaldy ma?

Piyter Foster myrza, osy súraqtar jәne jogharyda atalghan mәsele boyynsha Sizden túshymdy jauap kýtemin. Áriyne, búl sharuany da әdettegishe «Sizderge osy jaraydy» degendey ortanqol mendjerinizge tapsyratynynyz, al onyng jarym-jartylay jauap beretini týsinikti, degenmen búl joly biz Qazaqstandyq sotpen ghana shektelip qalmaytynymyzdy eskerte otyryp, jeke óziniz jauap qatyp, biz siyaqty ýshinshi sortty tútynushylarynyzgha da qúrmet kórsetedi dep senemin!

Jogharyda atalghandardyng negizinde, QR APK-ning 8 baby, 6 tarmaghyn, «Tútynushylardyng qúqyghyn qorghau turaly» QR Zanynyn  22 babyn basshylyqqa ala otyryp,

T A L A P     E T E M I N :

Daudy sotqa deyingi tәrtipte retteu maqsatynda osy talapty mәni boyynsha qaraudy.

Qazaq tilin osymen neshinshi mәrte daugha ainaldyryp, qogham arasyna jik salghany ýshin jauapty, kompaniyadaghy lauazymdy túlghalargha qatysty, naqty sharalar qoldanudy.

Tútynushy Oghyz Doghan jәne onyng otbasynan keshirim súrauynyzdy, oghan keltirilgen materialdyq shyghyndardyng ornyn toltyruynyzdy.

Qazaq tiline qatysty zang talaptary saqtalmaghany jәne mәseleni daugha ainaldyrghany ýshin kompaniya basshylyghy atynan qazaq halqy aldynda keshirim súraudy.

Osy talapty on kýn merzim ishinde qarap, jauap berudi.

Abzal Qúspan

President & CEO of «Air Astana»

Peter Foster


«BAE Systems PLC» company

Acting by power of attorney behalf of Oguz Dogan;

                                                         Abzal Kuspan


Dear Peter Foster!

Looking at your background, I see you have worked number of countries, namely Australia, Philippine, Honk Kong and other Asia, Europe countries managing like «John Swire and Sons (HK)», «Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd», «Philippine Airlines Inc»., «Royal Brunei Airlines» companies.

You came to Kazakhstan as a President of the company «Air Astana» in 2005. It shows you have been living in Kazakhstan nearly to 15 years.

By reviewing you both life and business experiences, I do understand and unfortunately agree with your behaviour such as ignoring sensitive things like culture, language and moral. It is a clear like these things are mostly undermined in the third world countries like Kazakhstan. And you are aware of this well.

Despite of the rule, that written well and clearly «service staff and crew members of civil airline of the Republic of Kazakhstan have to know fluently the state (Kazakh) language in their duty», only your company can against it claim to the court. Only in our country every single judge tend to avoid take an action because of the party is your ignorant company. Only in our country your company can disrespect and deny any court’s decision. Because you and your company do know that nobody comes against you and all the decisions give nothing. Prior and after the Oguz Dogan case, I addressed several official letters warning to keep consumers’ right. Unfortunately, no serious and meaningful letters were sent to me back yet.

However, there are some people like Tursagulova Aigul Tursynqyzy (judge of Turksib district court, Almaty), and Oguz Dogan who can fight against infringement and not only can use their Constitutional rights well, also can demand respect the law in Kazakhstan.

On 9 October, in International airport Nur-Sultan occured an incident. Crew staff of «FlyArystan, the affiliate company of the Air Astana did not allow to fly  the consumer Oguz Dogan. The reason is Oguz Dogan is in «black list» by your company. In a result, Oguz Dogan and his wife and their child were disembarked, though they have tickets to the flight.

Definitely, I do know that it is worth nothing losting its 1-2 consumers’ right for the big company like Air Astana and you and your company even do not care about that.

So, reminding you that you live in Kazakhstan where certain laws work and importantly there are open-minded, intelligent people who follow the laws and demand do the same from others, I ask you give answers to the next queries:

  • What is a policy and your personally view and your company to Kazakh language?
  • What is a policy and your personally view and your company to the state laws?
  • Is the consumer Oguz Dogan included to the «black list» because of the previous court decision?
  • To what laws or normative rules of Kazakhstan is the «black list» of Air Astana based ?
  • If the «black list» is not based to Kazakhstan laws, what international laws empowered it, and was it ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  • How do your company keep and follow the decision of the Turksib court, Almaty which is in the force, literally «Not providing servise in Kazakh language of the crew members which belongs to company Air Astana considers inlawful»?

Dear Peter Foster, hope your meaningful and in-depth answer the above mentioned questions and the rising problem. Sure, as usual you might be forward the questions to low level managers who can’t give proper answer for this important and sensitive question. Nevertheless, we are going to act not only the laws of Kazakhstan, if needs we will take action further. So, I believe you will take the question seriously and provide reply personally to your third world consumers like we!

On the basis of above questions, relying on 6 section, Art 8 of Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Art 22 of «Protection of consumers’ right of the Republic of Kazakhstan»,


To consider the demand by keeping  the rule of before the court.

To take an proper action against the employees because of their malfunction which led to burning problem among the Kazakh society.

To apologise Oguz Dogan and his family and the damages have to be awarded to compensate a consumer for loss of respect and finance for tickets.

Ask publicly apologise behalf of the company front of Kazakh people for not following the laws and turning the question into conflict.

To give full and right answer within ten (10) days.

Abzal Kuspan

19 pikir

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