Dýisenbi, 20 Qantar 2025
Dep jatyr 6174 83 pikir 12 Qazan, 2020 saghat 11:09

Ázerbayjan: Armeniya kelisimdi óreskel búzdy!

Ázerbayjan Respublikasy Syrtqy ister ministrligining mәlimdemesi

Resey Federasiyasynyng dәnekerligimen Ázerbayjan men Armeniya Syrtqy ister ministrlerining Mәskeude ótken kezdesuinde qol jetkizilgen 2020 jyldyng 10 qazan kýni saghat 12:00-den bastap gumanitarlyq maqsatta atysty toqtatu kelisimine qaramastan, Armeniyanyng qaruly kýshteri búl kelisimdi óreskel búzdy.

Atysty gumanitarlyq maqsatta toqtatu rejiymi kýshine ene salysymen, Armeniya qaruly kýshteri Ázerbayjannyn  Agdam jәne Terter audandaryn zenbirekpen atqylady. Sodan keyin Armeniya qaruly jasaqtary Ázerbayjannyng Gadrut jәne Jәbrail baghytynda shabuyl әreketin jasady (alghashqy shabuyldan birneshe saghat ótken son).

Armeniya qaruly kýshterining Sugovshan aumaghynda armyan soldattarynyng mәiitin jinap jýrgen, aq tu tigilgen sanitar mashinasyn atqylauy nәtiyjesinde bir medqyzmetker auyr jaraqat aldy.

11 qazan týni maydan shebinen alys ornalasqan, kólemi boyynsha Ázerbayjannyng ekinshi ýlken qalasy Gyanja Armeniya qaruly kýshteri tarapynan raketalyq shabuylgha úshyrady. Shabuyl nәtiyjesinde 7 azamat qaza tapty, aralarynda balalar da bar, barlyghy 34 adam jaraqat aldy.

Atysty gumanitarlyq maqsatta toqtatu turaly kelisimnen keyin Armeniya qaruly kýshterining beybit túrghyndar men qalalargha oq jaudyruy «varvarlyqtyn» aiqyn mysaly, al Armeniya basshylyghynyng atysty toqtatugha shaqyruy ekijýzdilik.

Armeniyanyng beybit túrghyndargha, ýilerge, azamattyq obektilerge jәne medisinalyq qyzmetkerlerge, Ázerbayjangha qarsy agressiya sayasaty shenberinde qasaqana oq jaudyruy búl elding halyqaralyq gumanitarlyq qúqyq jәne Jeneva konvensiyalarymen birge halyqaralyq qúqyqtyng negizin qalaushy normalardy elemeytinin, óz mindetterin sózsiz búzatynyn jәne gumanizmning negizgi qaghidattarynan mýldem alys ekenin taghy bir joly kórsetti.

Armeniya tarapynan jasalghan agressiya aktilerin qatang týrde aiyptaymyz jәne halyqaralyq qauymdastyqty basqynshy el – Armeniyany halyqaralyq qúqyq pen halyqaralyq mindetterdi ústanuyna mәjbýrleu maqsatynda batyl qadamdar jasaugha shaqyramyz.

Aumaqtaghy ahual jauapkershiligi Armeniyanyng әskeriy-sayasy basshylyghynyng moynynda.

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Despite the agreement reached during the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia in Moscow with the mediation of the Russian Federation, to observe a humanitarian ceasefire from 12:00 pm on October 10, 2020, the Armenian armed forces continue to grossly violate the agreement.

Immediately after the establishment of a humanitarian ceasefire, the Armenian armed forces fired on Agdam and Tartar regions of Azerbaijan. A few hours later, Armenian armed forces tried to attack in the direction of Hadrut and Jabrayil.

A medical worker was seriously injured as a result of the shooting by the Armenian armed forces of a sanitary medical vehicle, clearly marked with a white flag, collecting the bodies of Armenian soldiers in the area of Sugovshan.

On the night of October 11, Ganja, the second largest city in Azerbaijan and far beyond the frontline, came under rocket fire by the Armenian armed forces. The attack killed 9 civilians and injured 34 others, including minors.

The shelling of civilians and cities by the Armenian armed forces after the humanitarian ceasefire agreement is another clear example of barbarism and shows that the ceasefire calls of the Armenian leadership are nothing but hypocrisy.

Armenia's deliberate firing on civilians, homes, civilian objects and medical personnel as part of its aggressive policy against Azerbaijan once again demonstrates the country's disregard for fundamental norms and principles of international law, including international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions, as well as shows that it is clearly violating its obligations and is far from the principles of humanism.

We strongly condemn these acts of aggression by Armenia and call on the international community to take decisive steps to force the aggressor Armenia to comply with international law and its international obligations.

The full responsibility for the situation in the region lies with the Armenian political and military leadership.



83 pikir